Quality and Safety Management Commitment

Quality Statement

The ACCESS Quality Management Program is a fully integrated program focused on both flight and air medical operations as well as all equipment and facilities we would use in delivering professional air ambulance services in the NWT on behalf of STHA.

Our Access Quality Management Program has been designed to meet the requirements of CAMTS standards 01.12.00 Quality Management: “The QM program must be integrated and include activities related to patient care (including customer satisfaction), communications, and all aspects of transport operations…”

Together we have developed this plan to monitor the quality of patient care and the equipment required to deliver professional air ambulance services in the NWT. Using this plan and the guidelines provided by STHA, we establish best practices and collaborate with stakeholders to provide the highest quality care to the patients that we serve.

The operating partners of our joint-venture consortium provide oversight of all transport and clinical activities provided by our flight and air medical crews, partly through a Quality Assurance (QA) compliance program. The Air Tindi and Kenn Borek Air Directors of Maintenance, Quality Assurance Managers and Accountable Executives manage the flight operations oversight and our Medical Director and the Advanced Medical Solutions Vice President of Operations manage the clinical oversight.

Access Safety Policy

All Access partners, in partnership with our employees, strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment that exceeds both industry standards and regulatory requirements. The ultimate accountability for the functionality and constant development of the Safety Management System rests with me as the Accountable Executive.

The responsibility for making our operations and workplace safe for ourselves, coworkers, customers, members of the public and company assets, lies with all employees equally. I strongly believe that safety encompasses all departments and levels of the organization.

Each manager is responsible for implementing all aspects of the company Safety Management System in their area of responsibility. All employees are responsible not only to perform their jobs in accordance with established procedures and safe work practices, but also to identify when improvements can be made to increase the safety of their work environment. This extends beyond normal working hours and for that reason, safe practices for employees during other activities are encouraged by all Access partners.

This is fundamental to our well-being as well as to the viability of our business.

One of the cornerstones of our safety culture continues to be the proactive management of identifiable risks. Front- line employees and managers must continue to be actively involved in ensuring our hazard register is continuously reviewed to prevent incidents and implement corrective actions to reduce risks. We will continue to provide employees with the required information, education and training as well as encourage involvement
in our safety programs and the proactive reporting of potential safety hazards.

It is crucial for all employees to be committed to our safety beliefs by implementing our safety strategies in their everyday tasks. I trust that all of you will join me in a personal commitment not only to assist in strengthening our safety culture among all Access partners, but also to make safety a way of life.